Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Ceritaku. (Translated).

Dulu saya ni bekas setiausaha disebuah syarikat yang agak hebat juga di sekitar tahun 80an. Umur memang dah tua pun sekarang ni. Tak payah sebutlah ya. Anak ada 3. Yang sulung baru je habis degree dalam jurusan ELC yang dihabiskan dalam masa 2thn setengah dan sekarang ni sambung master dalam applied linguistik. (dapat masuk UM tapi pilih UPM). Bolehlah tu..... dan yang tengah buat degree dalam English Langguage and Communication juga sama macam si abang dan yang bongsu buat diploma dalam mass comm.

Masa bekerja dulu tak pernah terfikir atau terlintas di fikiran pun nak jadi pencipta dan penulis buku. Itulah yang dikatakan KETENTUAN ILAHI. Disekitar tahun 1989 (dah tak ingat sebenarnya tapi yang jelas anak saudara tu umurnya sekarang ni sekitar 30 lebih kot dan dah punya anak 2). Kalau salah maafkan daku ya... Waktu itu dia bersekolah di Sekolah Rendah dan masih tidak boleh membaca lagi. Emaknya, kak long saya dan dia amat susahati bila melihatkan keadaan anaknya yang buta huruf. Maklumlah kalau tak boleh baca jawapnya akan masuk ke KELAS PEMULIHAN. Mau tak mau kakak saya terpaksa menghantar anaknya yang bernama molin ke rumah saya untuk membaca. Bak kata orang 'brain wash'. Ingat lagi masa tu cuti sekolah akhir tahun pada bulan November dan Disember. Saya pun mulalah mengajar molin membaca dengan menggunakan bermacam2 kaedah. Untuk membaca kita mestilah tau NAMA ABJAD. Nak ajar ABJAD saja makan masa sebulan. Dapat kepala lupa ekor dapat ekor lupa kepala. Macam tu lah hari2. Dia bosan dan saya pulak tension. Aduh mati gue kalau macam ni hari2.

Hari demi hari masa terus berlalu sehinggalah Molin mula bertanya."BOLEH TAK BACA BUKU KALAU TAK TAU ABC". Saya terfikir dan berkata di dalam hati betul jugak cakap budak ni. Kalau nak duduk menghafal ABC sampai bila ya. ALLAH MAHA PENGASIH DAN MAHA PEMBERI DAN MAHA MENGETAHUI LAGI MAHA PEMURAH.

Pada satu petang Molin bermain didepan rumah dengan budak2 yang ada disekitar kawasan rumah saya. Tiba2 dia menangis.Saya bertanya kenapa? Dan jawapannya budak tu mengejek dia. Saya tanya lagi macamana dia buat? Dia tunjukkan kepada saya ejekkan budak itu sambil menangis. Di dalam hati saya terus berbisik. Berkesannya ejekkan ini sehingga tertusuk kedalam hati Molin. Berjaya budak tu mengeluarkan airmata Molin dengan mudahnya. Alangkah bagusnya kalau abjad itu sedemikian. Ketika membaca terus menusuk kedalam hati dan buatkan pembacaan itu menjadi begitu berkesan sekali. Tiba-tiba terlintas di dalam fikiran kenapa ejekkan tadi tidak dijadikan ABJAD. Dengan sepantas kilat ALLAH memberikan ilham. Detik hati saya YA ALLAH KALAU BENARLAH INI YANG KAU ILHAMKAN KEPADA KU SYUKUR ALHAMDULILLAH. Dengan cepat saya mencapai kertas dan mula mencipta yang bukan2. Merapulah jawapnya. Malam tu saya mula memperkenalkan 6 bunyian vokal yang ada nama kedua. Dengan hanya dalam jangkamasa 1 minit dia dah boleh menguasai a e i o u. Masyaallah saya tergamam. Esuknya saya perkenalkan 1 ejekan dan di gabungkan dengan bunyian vokal sehinggalah habis kesemua 18 mimik di kuasai. Terkejut saya bila Molin boleh membaca suratkhabar sebelum persekolahan bermula. Bayangkan Molin yang lembam, mudah lupa, malas dan hilang keyakinan diri sudah berubah menjadi kanak2 yang rajin membaca. Istilah saya KETAGIH, berkeyakinan diri dan berani membuat keputusan dengan sendirinya. Akhirnya dapat juga dia melanjutkan pengajiannya ke Menara Gading.

Kalau di perhatikan CAHAYAKU adalah satu sistem yang mengajar dari dalam diri di keluarkan dan bukan dari luar di jadikan pembelajaran. CAHAYAKU memang hebat kerana ia adalah dari pemberian ALLAH.Guru tidak mengajar murid membaca malah murid membaca dengan sendirinya. Guru hanya beri panduan sahaja. Pada murid abjad yg diajar oleh guru bukan milik guru tapi adalah milik mereka. Siapa yang pandai mereka yang pandai sebab guru hanya membimbing. Bagi guru pula tiada bebanan. BUKU CAHAYAKU DIREKA UNTUK BUDAK MEMBACA DENGAN SENDIRINYA DAN MEMBETULKAN KESALAHAN DENGAN SENDIRINYA.

DARI EJEKAN YANG NEGATIF TELAH SAYA POSITIFKAN. SECARA TIDAK LANGSUNG MEMBERI SATU KEPUASAN KEPADA PELAJAR TERSEBUT. Kesan ejekan ini tadi boleh membuatkan pelajar kita mengingatinya. Teringat saya sewaktu kecil2 dulu. Apabila ada budak lelaki mengejek saya, saya akan ingat budak tu sampai bila2. Apalagi budak tu telah membuat saya menangis.

Tunggukan cerita saya seterusnya bagaimana saya menggunakan kaedah cahayaku ini pada anak sulung saya yang pada waktu itu berumur 4 tahun. Lagi hebat soalanya dan pemikirannya. BYE........


3rd translation of the blog entry, ‘Ceritaku’ March 8 2011

Note from Millus_M:  I skipped dracer.musleh part due to obvious reasons; there is no need for translation to that. So I am translating this.

MY STORY: blog entry by Puan Chahaya

Back then I was a secretary of a company that was well-reputed back around in the 80’s. Now I’m in my old age and there’s no need for me to elaborate on it, right? I have 3 children, in which the eldest just finished his degree in ELC (English Language and Communication) course in which he had done it in 2 and a half years and now he is continuing his Master in Applied Linguistics. (He managed to get Universiti Malaya but opted for Universiti Putra Malaysia instead) Good enough for me… The second son is currently doing ELC too, following the footsteps of his brother and the youngest which is my daughter is doing her Diploma in Mass Communication.

 Back when I was working as a secretary I never thought, or rather it never crossed my mind- on becoming a creator and a book writer. You can say it’s a Divine Intervention or a coincidence if you will. Around 1989 (I can’t exactly remember clearly but what’s clear is that my niece is around 30 right now and have 2 children so if I’m wrong do forgive me…) back then she (the niece) was attending elementary school and still can’t read. Her mother who is my eldest sister was worried when she saw the state of her daughter of not being able to read. You can pretty much guess that she’ll be going for special classes to remedy that problem.  As per they say, ‘When push comes to shove’ my sister were forced to send her daughter, nicknamed Molin to my house to learn how to read. A ‘brainwash’ if you will. I still remember the day was school holiday near the end of the year around November to December. So I started on teaching Molin on how to read using various methods of teaching her. In the case of knowing how to read, you need to know the LETTERS, and just teaching LETTERS alone took me approximately 1 month. It was terrible; by the time we were progressed through the LETTERS she forgotten the previous ones that were taught and that kept repeating day after day. She was bored and I was tensioned by the results, such a terrifying prospect of what happened on the day.

Day by day and as time went on finally Molin asked: “Can you read without knowing ABC?” and it struck me; she has a point. If you kept going on with ABC only, and being unable to relate to reading, will you ever actually progressed? Only God knows how long will it take.

On one evening Molin played in front of the house with the kids around the neighbourhood. Suddenly, she cried. I asked her why, and she said the other kids were making fun of her. I asked her on how do they did it on making fun of her, she showed me how the kids did it which again strucked me; How effective the teasing can be that it brought Molin to tears, making her cry. If only Letters can do the same to the person who is learning it; as such when reading the immersion is present, it goes straight into the heart making the reading process much more effective. Then it crossed my mind on why not using the concept of teasing, of how they were making fun of her into teaching Letters. In my case, thank the Almighty for such Divine intervention. So, with haste I grabbed a piece of paper and started to scribble and created the ideas in my mind, all of which are pretty much nonsensical at that time. At that night I introduced 6 types of phonological way to produce the sounds of the vowels and give alternative name to them. With that concept she (the niece) managed to master the whole vowel complement, a e i o u. I was silenced in awe of what happened. The next day I introduced 1 ‘teasing’ concept which represent a consonant which used in combination with the vowels until all the consonants, 18 mimicks were mastered. I was in shock when I noticed that Molin able to read newspapers before the schooling semester starts. Imagine my Niece who is a slow learner, forgetful, lazy and has a low self-esteem has changed her to a child that likes to read. A word that I use to describe this is ADDICTION, self-confident and brave enough to make decisions and stand all by herself. Finally she can study hard and work herself all the way to the tertiary levels of education.

One can perceive that Cahayaku is a system that teaches your inner ‘self’ to the fullest potential and not the physical, the environment around that is used as a reference to teaching. Cahayaku is great that it may be an undiscovered ideology to many of us, a God’s revelation or epiphany if you want to think that way. A teacher doesn’t teach the student to read but the student reads all by him or herself. To the students the Cahayaku concept of teaching makes them feel that the letters are theirs but not the teachers, also where those who are astute or adept are from themselves within, not the teachers as the teacher is there only as a guidance, a catalyst. In essence, CAHAYAKU IS MADE FOR THE KIDS TO READ BY THEMSELVES AND CORRECTS THE MISTAKES AND FAULTS BY THEMSELVES.

TEASING, A NEGATIVE ASPECT THAT HAD BEEN TURNED INTO A POSITIVE ASPECT THANKS TO THIS CONCEPT THAT I MADE WHICH IN TURN GAVE A SATISFACTION TO THE STUDENT. The effects of teasing as a norm will be remembered by them who get it in which it helped this concept. This brings me back to my childhood, as when another child teases or insults me I remember it until now, and I remember the most especially those that made me cry.

Keep updated for my next entry where I will tell my share of story of using the Cahayaku concept to my eldest child when he was 4 years old in which there is a lot to think and lots to answer. Until then, BYE…

Translated by: Millus_M


Saiful Nizam said...

Saya sangat bertuah kerana Puan sudi berkongsi sejarah dan pengalaman dalam membentuk sistem cahayaku.

cahayaku said...

Saiful ada banyak lagi yang akan saya kongsikan bersama dalam pendidikan anak2.Tanpa kita sedari sebenarnya kita adalah pengajar kepada anak2 kita akan perbuatan2 yang negatif juga.Manusia hanya boleh terima yang positif sahaja dan yang negatif cikgu sekolah dan alam persekitaran yang akan di salahkan.Anak2 kita adalah cermin diri kita dan mereka juga adalah doktor pakar kepada kita.Pengalaman saya selama 20 tahun lebih dalam pendidikan anak2 normal dan istemewa telah mematangkan saya.Banyak lagi yang akan saya rungkaikan dalam pendidikan anak2 dari baby sampailah kepada remaja.Saya ingin kongsikan bersama pembaca semua kerana saya ingin mereka mengenali jiwa saya dengan lebih dekat lagi.Pengalaman saya sungguh menyeronokan dan saya rasa hanya segelintir manusia saja yang akan mengalaminya.Saya ingin blogger merasa dekat dengan saya dan dapat merasai pahit,manis,getir seorang pendidik kepada kanak2 istimewa.

Madah Penyelidik Senior Cahayaku

Covid memenuhi dunia. Manusia makin pupus ditelan keadaan. Manusia mungkin tidak berdaya melangkah kemasa depan. Politik pula mengila me...